iNASA Programme Book

Using the platform of HEIs to advocate for comprehensive climate change education and action. Sharing successful practices with other institutions, including private HEIs, and contributing to policy discussions on sustainability in education. Employing advanced digital tools and systems to streamline resource use, enhance energy efficiency, and foster a culture of sustainability. Initiatives can include implementing campus- wide energy management systems, virtualizing administrative processes to reduce paper use, and creating digital platforms for community engagement in sustainability efforts. Formulating and enforcing policies that encourage sustainable behavior among the campus community. This might encompass incentives for using public transportation, recycling and waste reduction programs, and guidelines for environmentally responsible procurement. Prioritizing sustainable design and maintenance practices in campus development projects to reduce environmental impact. This involves adopting renewable energy sources, green building certification and water conservation measures to create eco-friendly campuses. Building partnerships with local, national, and global communities to address climate change collaboratively. This includes organizing sustainability events, participating in environmental advocacy, and engaging students and staff in climate change research and action projects. KEY FOCUS AREA 2