Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF)

90 89 Postgraduate Mapping (A-K) Postgraduate Mapping (L-Z) Where IIUM PG students come from Tracer Studies The 2017 and 2018 Tracer Study Reports have allocated special segments to Master and PhD students. In 2018 Tracer Study Report, 516 Master’s degree graduates and 178 PhD graduates participated in the Tracer Study. About half of the Malaysian graduates, either at Master of PhD levels were selfsponsored as there is less opportunity for funding and sponsorship for PG studies. Majority of the students are mature and working students with about two thirds of Master graduates and about half of Ph.D. graduates were employed while studying. The graduation on time (GOT) figure for PG is not too satisfactory. Only 52.5% of those who pursues their Master degree by coursework graduated on time. The GOT for mixed mode or research mode is even more dismal – at 8.9 and 12.4 percent respectively. In research mode, none of the students from the science and technical centre of studies graduated on time. Whereas, in mixed mode study, none of the graduates from AIKOL, KOM, ISTAC, and IIiBF graduated on time. For Ph.D. graduates, only less than 10% graduate on time. More than half graduate in four and a half years. Overall, the PG graduates rated the study programmes as very helpful and relevant to their jobs. In terms of soft skills, graduates are generally happy with the ICT skills that they garnered during their studies. Students also reported positively of the soft skills which were obtained such as interpersonal communication skills, creative and critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, analytical skills, ability for teamwork, inculcation and practicing of positive values, and exposure to general knowledge and current issues. On the same token, the graduates rated highly their English and Malay language proficiencies. The proficiency in English language is the distinctive feature of IIUM students. The graduates also reported of satisfaction of the life skills IIUM inculcate to their students, indicating that the graduates are balanced graduates who are successful in their academic studies as well as life skills. The satisfaction rate of IIUM students in terms of the degree obtained from IIUM is extremely high (91.9% of IIUM Master’s degree graduates). To that extent, more than 90% of them are even willing to recommend IIUM to others. In social and welfare programmes organised by Kulliyyahs, more than 60 percent of IIUM PhD. graduates were involved in social and welfare type of community service programmes andmore than 20%were involved inmentoring and da’wah programmes. From these students, KIRKHS graduates were the greatest contributors in terms of participation. Most of the students valued their involvement in the community service programmes and consider them as giving invaluable impact even upon themselves. The readiness of the students to embrace technology and social media in their teaching and learning is well reflected in their response in the tracer study. The Ph.D. graduates, being much older than their UG students, prefer more traditional social media like Facebook whilst the UG prefer Twitter.