Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF)
64 63 Learning Experience To capture students’ feedback on their learning experience, the questionnaire includes nine items related to the prevalence of unpleasant experience. Each item is a statement about teaching and learning issues, which has been extracted from the FGS sessions. The respondents were prompted to indicate the frequency to which they had experienced. Table 3.3 presents the results of data analysis. Table 3.3 Students Learning Experience The results showed that more than two-thirds of the respondents reported unfavourable learning experiences in terms of workload, exposure to relevant technology, knowing the relevance of the courses, and getting feedback on their performance. Also, more than one-half of the sample indicated the prevalence of repeated contents across courses. The learning experience of current students and students who have recently graduated seems to be aligned. From the Graduate Attributes Survey, out of the 1360 respondents, only 19.1% students felt that they are not burdened with ‘too much coursework or assignment’ during their study period. However, 50% felt that there were “too much co-curricular activities”. 54% of the respondents confirmed that there is ‘repeated content across courses’ while taking their programme. From the tabulation in Figure 6, excluding data from KON and IIiBF, KOM and KENMS students’ feedback is skewed towards ‘Not Frequently’ and ‘Frequently’ respectively. Never Rarely Some- times Fre- quently Too much coursework/assignment 5.1 16.5 44.7 33.7 Mismatch between course credit and workload 12.1 23.5 38.2 26.1 NOT much exposure to the use of relevant technology, e.g. digital 9.8 26.9 39.1 24.1 NOT getting timely feedback on my perfomance 7.0 26.7 45.7 20.6 NOT allowed to register electives courses in other Kulliyyahs 26.5 27.4 27.1 19.0 NOT allowed to take elective courses that I am interested in 24.1 28.3 29.4 18.2 Repeated contents across courses 9.4 30.8 41.9 18.0 Not knowing the relevance of the courses to my future career 12.1 21.4 50.1 16.4 Unfair allocation of marks across assignment and exam 33.0 32.9 34.0 0.0 Data also show that more than half of the students (51.7%) are frequently “not sure why some contents were taught” in their programme. Further analysis on the data has shown that these groups of respondents contributed 80.4%, 76.2% and 74.8% to the total feedback in which they experienced “unfair assessment” , “ unable to take elective courses that they are interested in ” and “mismatch between credit hours and course workload” respectively. The figure above shows the overall students’ experience with IIUM administration and academic staff. Overall, students were happy that their “lecturers were approachable” and that the “admin staff were attentive to their needs”. Having no issues with admin staff and lecturer Having issues with admin staff and lecturer Admin staff were attentive Lecturers were approachable 1119 48 1289 1119 KOS KOP KON KOM KOED KOE KLM KIRKHS KICT KENMS KAHS KAED INHART IIBF AIKOL 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Frequently Not Frequently Students' perception on redundant content by Centre of Studies Students' experience with IIUM staff
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