Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF)

54 53 Activity Informants Location Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Co-curricula Unit under Students Affairs and Development Division (STADD) Gombak Campus Fundamental Inter-disciplinary Studies Quranic Language Department Students Mixed-group of academic staff Kuantan Campus Students the precursor questions posed to the informants revolved around the issues related to their kulliyyahs in terms of: • their general feelings towards their academic programmes. • the teaching methodologies employed at the respective kulliyyahs • graduates' attributes, and • areas for improvement. For the UniCORE, a series of six (6) FGDs involving members of staff and students as the informants (Table 3.1). The findings of these FGDs would help the University in designing the new academic framework as part of the effort of revising the University’s academic curriculum, the Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF). The main objectives of conducting these FGD were to: • determine the informants’ views towards UniCORE courses • identify the problems faced by the administrative offices, instructors and students in the implementation of UniCORE courses, and • discuss potential measures that can be taken to further improve the implementation of UniCORE courses. Table 3.1 Informants for FGD Academic Experience Survey: An open online survey on IIUM academic experience was conducted to get input from IIUM community and alumni in general. The main objective of the survey was to compare the expectation of IIUM management with the reality happening on the ground. The survey was administered after the discussion by the top level to review the University curriculum. The survey was opened for three (3) months via Google form. The survey was able to collect data from only 83 respondents. This survey indicated that, excluding the ‘alumni’ (7.2%), 92.8% of the respondents are still in the system. Some of them are alumni who either re-joined IIUM as an academic staff or as administrative and support staff. Their feedback is valuable since they could provide valuable information from the perspective of both a student and staff. GraduateAttributes Survey 2019: AGraduateAttributes Surveywas conducted during the 2019 IIUM Convocation. QR code containing a link to Google Form survey was pasted at graduates holding area. This allowed the respondents to have access to the questionnaire. A total of 1360 participated in this survey. To see the perception of current and past students and staff on the existing academic environment To gather suggestion from current and past students and staff on improving IIUM academic experience Kulliyyah Total Respondent AIKOL 96 IIBF 1 INHART 2 KAED 99 KAHS 136 KENMS 145 KICT 83 KIRKHS 277 KLM 91 KOE 214 KOED 53 KOM 49 KON 4 KOP 56 KOS 54 KOED 4% KON 0% KOE 16% KLM 7% KOP 4% KOS 4% KOM 4% AIKOL 7% KIRKHS 20% KICT 6% KENMS 11% KAHS 10% KAED 7% IIBF 0% INHART 0% Surveys