Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF)
140 139 embark on a journey of integration and Islamisation that would distinguish them from students of the same discipline from other universities. UniCORE are seen as one of the major platforms for education transformation under SAF. Therefore, some aspects of UniCORE have been strengthened and realigned, especially towards humanising education and promoting education for sustainable development imbued with Islamic values. The revised UniCORE was offered beginning with the 2020/2021 student intake. Another important feature of IIUM WIT is the increased emphasis on community engagement, towards realising the concept of Raḥmatan lil- ʿ Ā lamīn . WIT seeks to present the various IIUM community engagement initiatives in a more structured framework to ensure that they will be more meaningful and more impactful not only to the nearby communities, but also to IIUM students and staff involved. SAF sees community engagement as another important platform where education transformation can take place. Under SAF, community engagement shall be linked to formal education by design. The learning output of community engagement initiatives conducted must be related to the academic curriculum offered in kulliyyahs, so that theories learnt can be realised on the ground for students to understand the concept of ilmu, amal and Raḥmatan lil- ʿ Ā lamīn . At the same time, linking community engagement to formal education also promises exciting experiential and life-wide learning experiences to students. Values and intellectual capacity are very much affected by the state of mental health and wellbeing. As highlighted in the Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan , one has to be at peace with oneself, or be an Insān Sejahtera first and foremost, before one will be able to contribute to the kesejahteraan of family, community and the nation. The issue of mental health and well-being is even more heightened during and post-COVID-19 episodes. To combat mental health problems, students and staff must be equipped with skills to manage stress and building resilience (Muhammad Faris Abdullah, 2020). In line with the adoption of SAF, mental health related services and academic programmes will be synchronised through a university-wide mental health strategic plan and policies. These would not only reinforce the delivery of mental health related services in the University, but also remove duplication and thus avoid wastages, especially of resources. Having all service providers and experts working in sync would also enhance the University capacity to champion mental health issues at the national and global level. Collegiality/Shared Responsibility Collegiality relates to the working environment that promotes shared responsibility among staff of the organisation. It involves everyone working together to achieve common goals, and in the process display mutual respect to one another as well as being receptive of each other’s ideas and opinions for the betterment of the organisation. Collegiality is one of the main IIUM WIT strategies. The IIUM Roadmap provides various platforms to promote working together and eliminate silo working environment. IIUM Flagships and other shared initiatives, for instance, were developed as platforms where campus community can work together beyond Kulliyyahs and Offices boundaries. In the context of SAF, every staff of IIUM has roles to play in the delivery of education at IIUM. Under SAF, education is no longer solely the responsibility of the academics, but also the administrative staff especially in providing the much needed support to SAF implementation . Facilities and support services must be mobilised and shared to ensure the success of SAF. For instance, experi- ential learning cannot be fully implemented if transport cannot be provided for students to visit sites and communities outside of the campus. Online and flexible learning cannot be realised if network and internet facilities are not up to standard. Thus, everyone must understand what the appropriate learning requirements are under SAF so that everyone can offer the best services of their own. Shared responsibility also means sharing of facilities and space for co-learning to take place. Given the current financial climate, where funds are limited, facilities and spaces for education purposes must be shared optimally to ensure efficiency. kulliyyahs should no longer limit their buildings only for use by their own students and staff. Similarly laboratories, studios, classrooms and other facilities should be shared whenever possible. Nevertheless, a systematic mechanism to monitor the sharing of facilities must be developed and adhered to in order to ensure usage and maintenance issues are addressed. Shared usage also means shared maintenance. Sharing of space and facilities can also help in the provision of outdoor learning space, which is one of the key features of SAF. Masjid , for instance, must also function as a common learning space, not just for spiritual knowledge but also socio-technical courses when possible. Real-living laboratories and galleries, for example, should also serve as learning space to students from various kulliyyahs. This means creating partnerships with knowledge-based sites are encouraged in order to expand knowledge vistas. Institutional Readiness Institutional readiness means that the University must be ready to implement and support SAF. Apart from providing the necessary facilities and resources, it is imperative that the University ensures all of its staff understand the strategic goals and elements of values-based education, the meaning of balanced staff and students, and what Insān Sejahtera entails. To achieve this, the University has develop Insān Sejahtera training modules which must be attended by all staff. The Insān Sejahtera training aims to provide understanding among the staff members on Maqā ṣ id Ash-Sharī ʿ ah , Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan , SDGs, and the vision and missions of the University. Institutional readiness also includes the element of sustainability-led campus, which is important in the context of SAF, as well as IIUM’s Mission Statement No. 2 Sustainability-led campus will lead to a conducive learning environment
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