Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF)

126 125 Islam prohibits the acquiring of knowledge solely for worldly advantage, but rather for the blessing of Allah. Indeed, knowledge which is shared will continue to benefit the sharer (researcher) even after he/she leaves this world. Abu Hurairah r.a. reported that the Prophet s.a.w. said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: sadaqah jariyyah , a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous son/daughter who prays for the deceased” (Mohammed Farid Ali Al-Fijawi, 2020). To promote sharing of knowledge, it is therefore important that IIUM researchers do not only publish their work in indexed journals but also in reputable open access platforms including newspaper and television so that the knowledge will be able to reach more people. In the context of SAF, responsible academic research can be linked to formal and informal education. For instance, the UniCORE courses such as the Usrah in Action 1 and 2 provide ample opportunities for findings from research to be implemented on the ground to benefit the society. In the case of Usrah in Action 1, research findings can become the basis or problem statements for community selection and to initiate their profiling. In Usrah in Action 2, research findings can become inputs or the how-to in solving societal problems or elevating quality of life of the society. As part of continual quality improvement, lecturers should partake in scholarship of teaching and learning. Reflective teaching is necessary to learn from one’s own practices (otherwise also known as action research). With the innovations in pedagogy and assessment that will be coming under SAF, it is imperative that lecturers document their practices and the impact of these practices, and share it to the wider scholarly community beyond the University, to share their knowledge and to help others nurture their own students. The push for research that is responsible is part of the whole institution transformation (WIT) initiative of the IIUM (OSIC, 2019). Under WIT, the focus of research performance in IIUM should no longer be only about increasing the number of research or accumulating larger amounts of research grants, but also ensuring research projects are responsible and impactful, and are accessible to a greater number of audiences, locally and globally. While the world is beginning to embrace responsible research, IIUM should lead the way in advocating Islamic perspectives to shape and define responsible research. THE FORMAL CURRICULUM The formal curriculum itself then should take into account these elements of SAF. A curriculum should be more than just a collection of courses. It is at best a road map which outlines the ultimate outcomes of a learning process while allowing the instructors and students to create academic experiences that fit their particular needs within the parameters given. In IIUM, regardless of the curriculum model any programme wishes to adopt, the curriculum has to be constructively aligned, and it has to fit the SAF. It will also have to comply with the relevant programme standards, but ideally, it will go beyond the programme standards. SAF does not prescribe a specific curriculum model. The ensuing models are presented to suggest some potential models, for us to start imagining the possibilities that we may embark on in our quest to provide not just cutting edge knowledge and skills, but also a cutting edge holistic educational experience. Model 1. Sejahtera Competency-based Framework IIUM Source: Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Meeting of IIUMGreat Minds 2019 Sejahtera Competency-based Framework Formal & Non-formal Scope of Learning Continuous core experience Humanity > Heart > Hi Touch < Humility - learning to know - learning to do Waqf Time - Student - Portfolio Social Engagement - learning to live together SCHEDULED & VOLUNTARY TEAM PROJECTS / ACTIVITIES Cultural Enrichment - learning to be Academic Relevance COMPULSORY & ELECTIVE PROJECTS / ACTIVITIES CURRICULUM & C0-CURRICULUM PROJECTS / ACTIVITIES IMMERSION PROGRAMMES FLAGSHIP INITIATIVES Internationalisation Integration Islamisation Vision, Mission, Core Values Competencies Comprehensive Excellence Sejahtera Humanising Education Waqf Time Student Portfolio Waqf Time Student Portfolio