Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF)

100 99 No. Do your agree that the following courses are to be offered to ALL postgraduate? Agreed and Strongly agreed Disagreed and Strongly disagreed 1 Big data analysis 69% 7.30% 2 Coding 54% 14% 3 Virtual Reality 57% 9.80% 4 Fintech 50% 10.60% 5 Halaqah 53% 11% 6 Islamic Civilisation 68% 9% 7 Islamic Worldview 71% 6.60% 8 Service Learning Malaysia - University For Society 34% 8.60% 9 Tilawah 54% 12% 10 Usrah 48% 14% Whist most respondents conveyed satisfaction with the academic component of the program, many are not happy with the lack of activities held for PG students, resulting themnot being integrated into the kulliyyah’s activities. Quite a substantial percentage of the students are not happy with the class schedule which to them does not cater to the need of the postgraduate students. Table 3.15 PG students’ agreement on potential UniCORE subjects Alignment of Research to Sejahtera Academic Framework The massive promotion of the new direction of the University has somewhat been beneficial to the research focus of the PG students. In a 2019 survey, 97 research students admitted that SDG and Maqā ṣ id Ash-Sharī ʿ ah are portrayed heavily in their research. In the hierarchy of Maqā ṣ id Ash-Sharī ʿ ah for example, 50% of the thesis relates to protection of life; 21% relates to protection of faith, 20% for the protection of wealth and 16% for the protection of intellect. In the same token, a substantial number of Master and Phd thesis can be ascribed to the SDGs with the highest percentage to good health and wellbeing (39.2%); quality education (22.7%) sustainable cities and communities (21.6%), peace, justice and strong institution (18%) and decent work and economic growth (16.5%). To protect the Al-Din (Islam) To protect the life To protect the intellect or faculty of... To Protect Progeny or offspring To protect the material wealth Not relevant Health care To protect privacy / aurat 21(21.6%) 49(50.5%) 16(16.5%) 11(11.3%) 20(20.6%) 9(9.3%) 1(1%) 1(1%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Maqā ṣ id Ash-Sharī ʿ ah is the Objectives of Islamic Law (Please select 1 objective that is closest to your research field) Conclusion The various environmental scanning exercises have provided a triangulation analysis that confirms what many in the University have known - that while our academic programmes are of good standard, they need to be enhanced to become truly an Islamic model of international standards. Academic and non-academic staff alike, and also the students, have to go outside of their bubble to be aware of the various opportunities for growth and development available to them. The University community also needs to leave the comfort zone of their silos andmove towards a shared platform tomaterialise the shared vision and mission of the University. These findings have also identified both the existing major strengths and the major weaknesses. One of the major findings is the incomplete integration between students' campus experience inside and outside their classes, and the existence of pockets of initiatives by various agencies. Another is lack of adequate monitoring in UniCORE as it involves coordination among agencies. SAF is offered as a pathway towards this integration and towards pushing the University forward as an integrated entity in its pursuit of excellence - academic or non-academic, for now and for the future.