Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF)

4 3 to make good changes in societies, as individuals or as part of the workforce. Hence, brings relevance to the tagline of this book, which is Humanising Education for Raḥmatan lil- ʿ Ā lamīn . I believe that IIUM population should embrace SAF and through this framework let us bind together as a solid working team to achieve IIUM ideals. Let us continue the ties that we have built and enjoyed all these years and create new and better cooperation as one big family; the students and members of staff, the academics and non-academics, and the present and the past. We shouldmake ourselves visible to the world but still deeply-rooted to our fundamentals. I congratulate IIUM on the launching of the Sejahtera Academic Framework book and may Allah SWT protect us from Covid-19. IIUM PRESIDENT DATUK DR. MOHD DAUD BAKAR THE PRESIDENT OF IIUM The university has requested me to say a few words about the publication of the Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF) book, which I have graciously accepted. In my mind, this book is long overdue given the myriads of changes happening around the world; economically, socially, politically and in education. The SAF book contains information about the planning, designing and the maintenance of academic programmes in IIUM, a guide that is useful to new and seasoned members of staff alike. I’m not hesitant to say that the SAF and this book means a lot to IIUM. For over 37 years IIUM ideals have led to the development of IIUM and its populations as well as IIUM reputation around the world. IIUM was founded under ideals that are unique and unparalleled to other academic institutions. IIUM was established under the guidance of noble philosophy, vision, mission and educational goals stemmed from the spirit of Iqra ’ and based on surah al-‘alaq . IIUM demand that education be seen as a religious as well as social responsibility rather than a mere business venture. The entire management of IIUM academic programmes is geared towards developing the ummah and treating the members of staff and students as Allah’s creations, which is equivalent to humans in today’s term. All elements of IIUM ideals are maintained, reinforced and included in the SAF Book. The methods of achieving IIUM ideals may take different and sometimes long and winding roads but so long we hold steadfast to our ideals and objectives, we will continue to be an institution that the world must recognised. As we move rapidly towards the future, which is now, we have to strengthen our statement and commitment towards IIUM collective goals and this is where I see the SAF comes into play. In a big picture, SAF is a consummate framework that encompasses all elements related to the management of academic programmes, institution and more. The main business of IIUM is to create changes in life through education and SAF provides a guide that can facilitate the accomplishment of this objective. SAF proposes the alignment of all elements in the rubrics of IIUM ideals and aspirations, academic programmes management, facilities as well as supports and services in order to provide conducive teaching and learning environment, which in turn will produce graduates desired by IIUM. At its core, SAF insists IIUM academic programmes must be recognised and continue to provide knowledge and skills that are of different natures; religious, contemporary, hard skills as well as soft skills for shaping future generations. At the same time, IIUM must also be cognizant of its quality of graduates. IIUM graduates must be ones that possess good syahsiah and fear Allah SWT, give respect to and deserve respect from others, are versatile and are willing