90 91 KULLIYYAH OF ENGINEERING KULLIYYAH KEJURUTERAAN DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (ENGINEERING) DOKTOR FALSAFAH (KEJURUTERAAN) MALE / LELAKI AKBAR MUHAMMAD ALI Title: Performance Analysis of Solar Heat Industrial Process (SHIP) System in Malaysia and Energy Output Forecasting based on Optimized Deep Learning Technique Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahbubur Rashid ALALA MOHAMMED ZAIN BA HAMID Title: Fuzzified Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Evacuation Model with Early Warning Capabilities of Crowd Disaster Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azhar Bin Mohd Ibrahim ALLAMA OUSSAMA Title: Control and Modeling of 2D and 3D Wireless Power Transfer System for A Moving Target Load Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hadi Habaebi ALTAMASHUDDINKHAN NADIMALLA Title: Physical, Mechanical and Microstructure Properties of Concrete Containing Recycled Pet Bottles and M-Sand as Fine Aggregate Replacement Towards Sustainable Construction Main Supervisor: Ts. Dr. Siti Aliyyah Binti Masjuki BEROUAL SABIR Title: Electromechanical Impedance Based Strategy for Health Monitoring Solar Cells Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Meftah Hrairi DIALLO AMADOU DIOULDE DONGHOL Title: Optimization and Simulation of Gasification Process Parameters from Municipal Solid and Biomass Wastes Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ma'An Fahmi Rashid Al-Khatib FALEH F.F. HUJAILAN Title: Comparative Analysis of Building Integrated Solar Water Heating Systems Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Maleque GALANG PERSADA NURANI HAKIM Title: Self-Organizing Wireless Sensors Networks with MCDM-SAW Clustered Routing, ANFIS-Based Near-Ground Propagation, and LM-ANN Adaptive Power Control Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hadi Habaebi MAHAMMADSALMAN WARIMANI Title: Performance and Emission Prediction of Multi-Cycle Pulse Detonation Engine Utilizing Alternative Fuels Main Supervisor: Ts. Dr. Muhammad Hanafi Bin Azami MD RAFIQUL ISLAM Title: Design and Evaluation of Cyber Security of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger for International Payment Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahbubur Rashid MERRAD YACINE Title: Control and Authentication of a Fully Decentralized Pay-per-use Energy Trading Platform Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hadi Habaebi MUBARAK SINIL Title: Industrial Control System SCADA Testbed Industrial Datasets and Cyber Attacks Detection and Forecast with Deep Learning Algorithms Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hadi Habaebi MUHAMMAD AMIN BIN HARUN Title: Development and Performance Analysis of Flat Plate Base-Thermal Cell Absorber Main Supervisor: Zafri Azran Abdul Majid SARAVANAN TANJONG TUAN Title: A New Approach of Line Balancing Methodology for Lean Manufacturing Tools. Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Radzi B Che Daud ZAIRUL AZRUL BIN ZAKARIA Title: Development of Solar Integrated Evacuated Glass – Thermal Absorber Tube Collector (EGATC) in Air Heating Application Main Supervisor: Zafri Azran Abdul Majid FEMALE / PEREMPUAN AINUL FARAHIN BINTI ABDULLAH Title: Integration of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) Into Value Analysis Value Engineering (VAVE) During New Product Development (NPD) Phase Main Supervisor: Ir. Ts. Dr. Nor Aiman Bin Sukindar DEB NIBEDITA Title: A Hybrid System of Microbial Electrolysis Cell and Anaerobic Digestion for Biomethane Production Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Md Zahangir Alam DEHIMI MAYA Title: Immobilization and Characterization of Alkaline Protease Produced by Marine Bacteria and Its Evaluation As A Detergent Additive Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Faridah Bt. Yusof INTAN NAJWA HUMAIRA BINTI MOHAMED HANEEF Title: Characterization and Finite Element Analysis of Halloysite Nanotube Reinforced Polylactic Acid/ Polypropylene Carbonate for Fixation Plate in Mandibular Surgery Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Norhashimah Bt. Mohd. Shaffiar NIK RASHIDA BINTI NIK ABDUL GHANI Title: Lead Removal Using Modified Graphene Oxide Adsorptive Membrane Main Supervisor: Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohammed Saedi Jami NUR HANIS SABRINA BINTI SUHAIMI Title: Frequency Scaling in Millimetre-Wave Rain Attenuation Estimation for Satellite Link in Tropical Region Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fadzil Bin Ismail NUR`AISHAH BINTI AHMAD SHAHRIM Title: Inkjet Printed Poly(3,4-etylenedioxythiophene): Poly(Styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) Doped Silver Nanoparticle (SNP) on Textile Main Supervisor: Prof. Ir. Dr. Zuraida Bt. Ahmad
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