88 89 WAN ZURAIDAH BINTI WAN NIK Title: Teachers' Leadership and Decision-Making Styles and the Achievement of Student Excellence at the Royal British International School of Yangon, Myanmar: An Exploratory Case Study Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Johdi Bin Salleh ZAHRA SALEH HIKAL AL BALUSHI Title: The Impact of Educational Leaders' Practice of Reinforcement Methods on the Academic Achievement of First-Cycle Students in the Sultanate of Oman (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Merah Souad ZALIKHA RAMADHAN ALI AL BALUSHI Title: The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality on Academic Achievement, Motivation, and the Impact of Learning among Science Students in the Sultanate of Oman (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sabri Bin Sahrir DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN EDUCATION DOKTOR FALSAFAH DALAM PENDIDIKAN MALE / LELAKI ABDULAZIZ HAMED SAID AL-DAGHARI Title: The Effect of Entrepreneurship Practice on the Efficiency and Sustainable Development of Educational Institutions in Light of the Reducing Spending in Public Spending in the Sultanate of Oman (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Hussein Amzat ABDULLAH RASHID SULAIMAN AL MUQEEMI Title: The Effect Administrative Supervision on Achieving Job Satisfaction for Principles Basic Education Schools and their Assistance in the Sultanate of Oman: Administrative Creativity is a Mediating Variable (Arabic) Main Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Hussein Amzat AHMED KHAMIS MAHMOOD AL ZADJALI Title: Embodying The Factors Influencing the Practice of Electronic Leadership among School Principals and their Assistants in the Basic Education Stage in the Sultanate of Oman (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Merah Souad AHMED SAID ABDULLAH ALMARZOUQI Title: The Impact of Organizational Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Schools' Teachers of the Second Cycle of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman: Job Loyalty a Mediating Variable (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Dr. Abdulmajid Mohammed Abdulwahab Aldaba ALDHAFEERI, KHALID AZZAM A Title: Modelling Factors Affecting Mathematics Teachers using of the Madrasati Platform in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: In Light of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dawood Abdulmalek Yahya Al-Hidabi MOHAMMED SAID MAHAD JABOOB Title: The Possibility of Applying the Standards of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation of the Federation of Universities of the Islamic World at Dhofar University, Sultanate of Oman From the Point of View of Faculty and Administrative Staff (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dawood Abdulmalek Yahya Al-Hidabi SAEED BRWA ADNAN SAEED Title: The Effectiveness of a Training Program Based on SCAMPER and CPS Model in Developing Creative Thinking Skills among the Gifted Students in Kurdistan, Iraq (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tahraoui Ramdane SAID AMER AHMED AL BAKHIT AL-AMRI Title: The Impact of Service Quality on the Competencies of through the Intermediate Roles of Training in Entrepreneurs Craft Center in the Sultanate of Oman (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dawood Abdulmalek Yahya Al-Hidabi SAIF SAID RASHID AL-ABRI Title: Design and Implementation of Co-Training Model for Professional Development of Teacher Trainers in Oman (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Noor Lide Bte. Abu Kassim SALEH BIN KHAMIS BIN OBAID BIN ALI Title: The Role of Poetry in Establishing Educational Values in the Society of the Arabian Peninsula: An Analytical Study (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Dr. Halim Bin Ismail SALIM SAID HUMAID AL WAHAIBI Title: Mathematical Modelling in Post-Primary Education in the Sultanate of Oman (Arabic) Main Supervisor Prof. Dr. Dawood Abdulmalek Yahya Al-Hidabi FEMALE / PEREMPUAN CHAFAI YASMINE Title: Emotional Intelligence, Motivation to Learn and Parental Involvement as Predictors of Students' Academic Achievement at Selected Arab Secondary Schools in Klang Valley Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Rafiah Abd. Hamid IRNIE VICTORYNIE Title: Academic Supervisory Leadership and Teachers' Performance: A Case Study of Two Integrated Islamic Primary Schools in Bekasi, Indonesia Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azam Bin Othman MOHAMED ISMAIL FOUZUL KAREEMA Title: A Rasch Approach to Validation of CEFR-Aligned Reading Tests for Testing Undergraduate Reading Comprehension Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ainol Madziah Bt. Zubairi NOORAFINI BINTI KASSIM Title: The Influence of Virtual Experience, Online Readiness and Cognitive Engagement on Non-Arabic Speaking Learners' Learning Satisfaction and Performance: An Exploratory Study at a Higher Education institution Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sabri Bin Sahrir
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