86 87 BUTHAINA ABDULLAH MOHAMMED SAID ALGHEILANI Title: The Effect of Practicing Organizational Justice on the Job Performance of Employees in the General Office of the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman: Administrative Creativity is a Mediating Variable (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Merah Souad CYNTHIA RATNADEWI BT. ABDUL JALIL Title: Teachers' Views on Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy in Selected Malaysian English Classrooms - A Case Study Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Faizah Idrus ENAAM MOHAMMED SALEH MOHAMMED AL MUQAIMI Title: The Role of Self-Concept in Enhancing Social Psychological Adjustment among Academically Excellent Gifted Children in Omani Secondary Schools (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ssekamanya Siraje Abdallah FATMA SALIM TARTIB AL GHDANI Title: The Effectiveness of Group Counseling Program in Developing the Spiritual intelligence of Adolescents Recovering from Drug Addiction in Sultanate of Oman Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mastura Bte Badzis HAJIR TALIB SAID AL MARDHOOF AL SAADI Title: The Importance of Partnership between the Public and Private Sectors and the Requirements for its Application in Sustainable Development in the Sultanate of Oman (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dawood Abdulmalek Yahya Al-Hidabi HASNA MOHAMED YAZEED AL-ABRI Title: Employing Electronic Platforms in Post-Basic Education Schools in the Sultanate of Oman: Its Requirements and Obstacles (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sabri Bin Sahrir KAZI AFIFA KHATUN Title: Female Principals Practices of Transformational Leadership, Teacher Motivation and Commitment in Selected Secondary Schools in Bangladesh Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Burhan Bin Ibrahim KHADIJA ALI MOHAMED AL SALAMI Title: The Impact of Strategic Leadership and Quality Assurance Initiatives on the Performance of Private Higher Education Institutions in the Sultanate of Oman: Quality Culture as a Mediating Variable (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hairuddin Bin Mohd Ali KHAMSIAH BT MOHD ISHAK Title: Academic Staff's Perspectives on Basic Teaching Methodology Training Programme and Teaching Practices: A Case Study of Two (2) Malaysian Public Universities Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azam Bin Othman MARIAM JAMILA Title: ESL Teachers' and Learners' Beliefs Towards Learner Autonomy in English Speaking Skills: A Case Study in Bangladesh Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ainol Madziah Bt. Zubairi MUSLIMA SALEH KARAWANI Title: Developing A Correlational Model of Self-Directed Learning (SDL) and Remote Teaching and Learning (RTL) based on Pre-Service Teachers' Experiences at IIUM Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Shakour Duncan Preece NURUL ADILLAH ARIFFIN BINTI MUHAMAD ARIFF Title: The Educational Leaders' Characteristics and Change Management in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institutions at Two Polytechnics in Malaysia Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azam Bin Othman ROQAIA HUMAID ALI AL-WAHAYBI Title: Teachers' Leadership, Professional Competency and Students' Academic Achievements in English Language at the Vocational Colleges in the Sultanate of Oman Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Johdi Bin Salleh SAADA EID KHALFAN HUMAID ALHASHEMI Title: The Effectiveness of a Counseling Program Based on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills in Improving Symptoms of Impulsive Behavior and Difficulty in Emotional Regulation among a Sample of Female Prison Inmates in the Sultanate of Oman (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Dr. Syarifah Rohaniah Bt Syed Mahmood SABRA SAIF AHMED AL HARRASI Title: The Impact of the Relationship Between Future Anxiety and the Level of Ambition on Students of Higher Institutions in the Sultanate of Oman: Self-Efficacy Beliefs as A Mediating Effect (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mastura Bte Badzis SAIDATUL MADIHA BINTI ABD RAHIM Title: The Roles of Cultural and Social Capital in Higher Education Aspirations Among B40 and M40 Malay Students Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suhailah Binti Hussien SALMA AHMED SULTAN AL HABSI Title: The Impact of Ethical Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the Quality of Decision-Making Among Educational Leaders in Schools in the Sultanate of Oman. From the Point of View of Educators Working in Those Schools (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dawood Abdulmalek Yahya Al-Hidabi SIHAM MOHAMED ABDULLAH AL SHIBANI Title: Change Management Initiatives and Organizational Culture and their Impact on Resistance among the Employees of the Ministry of Education in Muscat Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Merah Souad WAFA AHMED AAMIR AL SULTI Title: The Effect of Using Flipped Classroom Approach in Acquiring General Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement of Twelve-Grade Students (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sabri Bin Sahrir WAFA SALIM KHAMIS MUBARAK AL FANNA AL ARAIMI Title: Differentiation in Visual and Auditory Perception Skills Among Disabled Learners and Underachievement in Cycle One of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman (Arabic) Main Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mastura Bte Badzis