65 Siti Zubaidah Binti Abu Kasim Title : Building Orientation, Spatial Organization, and Landscape Design Setting for Optimum Carbon Sequestration Rate at Hotel Premises Main Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Rashidi Bin Othman Suhaili Binti Suid Title : Plant Materials as an Indicator for Low Carbon Urban Park Planning and Design Main Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Rashidi Bin Othman INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC THOUGHT AND CIVILIZATION INSTITUT PEMIKIRAN ANTARABANGSA DAN TAMADUN ISLAM DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (MUSLIM WORLD ISSUES) DOKTOR FALSAFAH (ISU-ISU DUNIA ISLAM) FEMALE /PEREMPUAN Dyah Titis Kusuma Wardani Title : The Political Economy of Trade Policy of Indonesia and Turkey towards Muslim Countries in the OIC Main Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Jarita Bt. Duasa KULLIYYAH OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCE KULLIYYAH SAINS KESIHATAN BERSEKUTU DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN HEALTH SCIENCES DOKTOR FALSAFAH (SAINS KESIHATAN) MALE/ LELAKI Abuga Ibrahim Title : Antimicrobial Activities and Phytochemical Analysis of Malaysian Traditional Medicinal Plants with Emphasis to Ethyl Acetate Extract of Murraya Koenigii on Staphylococcus Aureus Cell Wall Main Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Syaiful Bahari Bin Abdull Rasad FEMALE/ PEREMPUAN Latifah Munirah Binti Bakar Title : Tumour Suppressor P73ß -Loaded PLGA-Chitosan Nanoparticles : A Non-Viral Gene Delivery System for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Therapy Main Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Solachuddin Jauhari Arief Noraishah Binti Mohamed Nor Title : Perceived Adherence to Lifestyle Modification Questionnaire (PALM- Q) for T2DM Patients Development and Assessment of Validity and Reliability Main Supervisor : Dr. Nor Azwani Binti Mohd Shukri Nur Sazwi Binti Nordin Title : Effects of Flaxseed Extract on Osteoblast Differentiation Potential of Stem Cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth Main Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Datin Dr. Khairani Idah Binti Mokhtar @ Makhtar