46 Another advocacy product of HAIAP is a book entitled ‘Where there are no pharmacists’, which addressed the issues of systematic management and safe access/use of medicines by the population through other categoriesof healthworkerswhen thereareno trainedpharmacistswithin the community. This is also an established concern in rural areas of developing countries. HAIAP is also an advocate for the right of all humanity to access medicines in terms of affordability. In its online news that are regularly published, the organization highlighted articles on expensive essential medicines as a result of a profit margin that is tremendously increased, causing the medicine to be tragically unaffordable in patients from third world countries. HAIAP is trying very hard to publicise this concern. Prior to 1982, Bangladesh relied heavily on expensive drugs manufactured by transnational companies, resulting in inequality in accessing essential medicines within the country. One of the HAIAP founders, Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury, is regarded as the father of Bangladesh’s National Drug Policy after he pioneered a way through the maze of modern, western- manufactured drugs and developed a more affordable health strategy based in part on the local manufacture of a relatively small number of essential generic drugs. In addressing the concern on rational use of drugs, HAIAP showcased efforts by researchers and individuals who are involved in public health education and awareness. These include increasing awareness of antimicrobial resistance, unethical and unsubstantiated pharmaceutical promotion and advertisement claims that are common in developing countries and can cause harm. Through their network, HAIAP provided guidance in the assessment of the claims, working up complaints to regulators, and publicising the findings. In 2021, HAIAP celebrated their 40th anniversary since its launching in May 1981 in Geneva. With the extensive contributions it has made to humanity and health/pharmaceutical care, it is high time the noble efforts are acknowledged.