16 KITAB SUCI AL-QUR’ĀN Kitab suci Al-Qur’ān dipamerkan di setiap majlis konvokesyen IIUM. Ini untuk mengingatkan bahawa Al-Qur’ān merupakan sumber tertinggi dalamfalsafahpendidikan IIUMdansegalapengajarandari kitabsuci Al-Qur’ānakanmencorak segalaperkembangan IIUMdimasahadapan. Salinan kitab suci Al-Qur’ān yang dipamerkan adalah yang ditulis oleh TuanHaji Bachok Haji Sayuti, yangmerupakan seorang pakar seni khat tempatan dan Guru Al-Qur’ān di IIUM. Beliau mula menulis naskhah ini pada bulan April 1987 dan selesai pada bulan September 1987. The Holy Qur'ān is respectfully displayed in every convocation ceremony of IIUM. It is to serve as a constant reminder to everyone that the Holy Qur'ān is the primary source of IIUM’s philosophy of education and that its teachings shall forever direct the future development of the University. The copy of the Holy Qur'ān displayed is handwritten and is the work of a well-known local calligrapher, Tuan Haji Bachok Haji Sayuti, a Quranic teacher at IIUM. He began the work in April 1987 and completed it in September of the same year. THE HOLY QUR'ĀN
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